Sleep Apnea Therapy

InspiAIR PAP Therapy Services

PAP stands for Positive Airway Pressure. PAP therapy is an umbrella term for treatments that use this type of pressure to keep your airways open while you sleep. There are three types of PAP therapy referred to as CPAP, Auto PAP and BiPAP. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Auto PAP for Automatic Positive Airway Pressure and BiPAP for Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure.

CPAP is the number one treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). It must be prescribed by a doctor. PAP therapy will prevent snoring and keep your airway open while you are sleeping. If you have OSA, you should do your best to use CPAP whenever you sleep, night or day, to help you awake feeling refreshed. You deserve to feel invigorated and InspiAIR is dedicated to help you achieve the best possible results you can. CPAP therapy works and there are no side effects!

InspiAIR PAP Therapy

Getting Started: The first step to achieve PAP therapy success is the selection, set-up and purchase of PAP equipment. During your set-up appointment with one of our therapists we will guide you through the process of machine selection, mask fitting and how to use your equipment properly. It will take approximately an hour.

Routine, Intensive Support: After initial set-up your therapist will track your progress to see how you are doing. You will hear from us within 1 week after your first visit and again after 1 month. If you are experiencing any difficulty at all, we encourage you to call us right away for assistance. Once CPAP has become a normal part or your daily routine, we will be in touch every 6 months to check on your treatment and remind you about recommended machine and mask maintenance.

CPAP is a long term therapy so it is important that you are comfortable with the service and equipment your provider offers. We believe that you will be impressed with InspiAIR staff, our approach to educating you about CPAP therapy and our persistence in eliminating any reservations you may have. Our goal is to give you an outstanding service experience and ultimately, help you get a good night’s sleep. At InspiAIR we pride ourselves on the high CPAP compliance rates we achieve and attribute them to our extensive, intensive consultation, education and service approach. Ask about our mask fit satisfaction program and our courtesy mask and machine inspection appointments.

InspiAIR PAP* Therapy Equipment Choices

There are several manufacturers that make PAP machines with different features to improve comfort and adherence to prescribed therapy. InspiAIR makes all major manufacturers’ products available to you. We offer several complete equipment package options to suit your lifestyle needs and help you achieve the best treatment results possible.

PAP machines can be used with many types of masks. The choices are vast and finding the right mask for you is vital to treatment success. At InspiAIR we take as much time as is necessary to coach you through the process. Starting CPAP is a relatively easy change for some clients and can be a big adjustment for others. No matter how you feel about it, rest assured that we are committed to working through the challenges with you.

Travelling with PAP Therapy & PAP Accessories

You’ve likely heard the phrase “Don’t leave home without it!” It’s important that you continue with your PAP therapy even when you are away from home. There are several compact, battery-operated portable units specially designed for travellers available. We also carry a variety of PAP accessories like special pillows, cleaning wipes and mask liners to make your therapy experience as convenient and comfortable as possible.

PAP Equipment Manufacturers & Accessories

Click on the logos below to find out more about the different CPAP machines and masks available:


Our dedicated therapist will ensure that all equipment is used in compliance with the manufacturers guidelines. This is achieved through client education, support and monitoring of CPAP machine data.

Please click on the image to enlarge and/or download this important information about microbes in CPAP masks.

Assistive Device Funding

The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) provides consumer centered support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities and to provide access to personalized assistive devices appropriate for the individual’s basic needs.

For more information about this program please visit the Ministry of Health website.

Do I Qualify for ADP?

To check if you qualify for the ADP program to help you fund therapy equipment, please refer to the links below.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep is an important part of all of our lives. When your sleep is disrupted, even temporarily, it can cause a marked decrease in daytime performance and has been shown to be linked to increased incidences of auto crashes and industrial accidents. Having an untreated sleep disorder can lead to such things as depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart failure and ultimately, death.

How sleepy are you?

If you or someone you know is not sleeping well, the cause may be a sleep disorder. Talk to a Doctor about the symptoms and ask about getting a sleep test or Polysomnogram (PSG). A PSG is a test ordered by a physician to diagnose and treat various sleep disorders.

Download Epiworth Sleepiness Scale sheet.

There are many different sleep disorders that people suffer from. Two of the most common are:

Fortunately, both of these sleep problems are very responsive to the right therapy. At InspiAIR we specialize in treatment solutions for both Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA).

Individual having an Apnea episode

Individual having an Apnea episode

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    InspiAIR oxygen systems

    Choose InspiAIR

    Whatever the reason for the prescription, we take our oxygen patients’ needs seriously. At InspiAIR we take pride in the fact that the oxygen systems we provide are carefully matched to meet our patients’ needs. We encourage our patients to lead enriched active lifestyles including travel where possible and will provide them with full service to help achieve this goal.

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